Lake Toxaway Community Center 81 Slicker Fisher Road Lake Toxaway NC 28747

​​Lake Toxaway

Join us for the 

Monthly Pot Luck and/or Game Night

Friday April 11th

at 5:30 pm 

in the Little Building

The Community Center will provide

paper products and utensils

Please bring to share with EVERYONE !

your choice of:

* Main Course 

* Side Dish 

​* Dessert 

* Rolls or Bread

* Drinks

THEN at 7:00 will be GAME Night

Stay and play cards.... board games etc

Come for just dinner...

come for both...

or just come and play the games !!!


Every Fourth Saturday at 

Lake Toxaway Community Center

 BINGO In March will be

on the Fourth Saturday 

April 26th

in the BIG Building 

Food Sales Start at 5:00 PM
Games start at 6:00 PM

Various Bands that have played

at Lake Toxaway Community Center

over the Years

For Building Rentals Contact Pam Owen


Winter Potluck and Game Night 

The Second Friday of the Month

at 5:30 PM

in the Little Building

Welcome to Lake Toxaway Community Center

We will be Opening the Middle of May for 

Friday Night Dinner and Music


Saturday April 12th 

9:00 AM to 12 Noon

HUGE Deals on:

Appliances....Furniture...Household Items

Located in the BIG Building 

Come ready to shop shop shop !!!

We are taking donations Please Call:

Jan Harden at ​251-366-1716

Thank you to everyone who has supported

the Bargain Barn

through out the years !